Company Overview

NameJapan Parts Service Inc.
EstablishedFebruary 27, 1981
Capital98 million yen
Head Office7th Floor, JPS Honmachi Building2-3-9 Honmachi, Chuo-ku, OSAKA 541-0053, JAPAN
Main BanksSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
Business OverviewJPS is involved in the ·export of a wide variety of parts for use in the maintenance and repair of motorbikes, passenger vehicles, trucks, construction equipment, ships and vessels ·supply of OEM to parts manufacturing plants to overseas bases ·import of high-quality products to overseas bases, and indirect trade services for third countries
Member OrganizationsOsaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Automotive Parts Trade Association (APTA),Japan Automotive Products Association (JAPA)

Japan Automotive Products Association (JAPA)
Overseas OfficesHong Kong, Guangzhou, Ecuador,
Permits and LicensesAutomotive dealer: Osaka Prefectural Public Safety Commission Permit No. 621061700985 Second-hand dealer: Osaka Prefectural Public Safety Commission Permit No. 621061700985